Lumps on your vagina Vaginal bumps include vaginal cysts, vaginal pimples, ingrown hair, skin tags, genital herpes, and lichen sclerosus. That’s why it’s super important to get any unusual lumps checked over by a doctor, just to rule out anything more sinister. This projects into the far end of the vagina and is about 3 cm across. Harmless Bumps. Your vet's diagnosis and prognosis are important to determine your next step. When the top of your vagina becomes weak, the organs that they should be supporting collapse into your vagina, creating the sensation of a lump or bulge. Here are 12 causes of bumps on vaginal area, what they look like, and what to do, from ob-gyns. Sitting in a warm tub bath for 15-20 minutes at a time several times a day may help to relieve any discomfort. STD (sexually transmitted disease)- related causes include: 1. Jessica is the owner and lead naturopath of My Vagina, and is a member of the: International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD It definitely doesn’t mean that you are dirty or that you’ve done something wrong. The bumps will stay for three to six weeks before Medically-verified advice to reduce vaginal pain and swellingFinding a small lump on your vulva, labia, or vagina can be alarming, but don't worry—these lumps, called cysts, are I have read your query and can understand your concern. Bumps can appear on and around your penis, anus, vagina, and labia. Typically, the chancre is 1 to 2 cm in size. This guide is intended to provide you with a better understanding of what may be causing your problem, if you Discovering an odd lump, bump, spot or rash on your vagina can be unnerving. Leff. There are many reasons why you might develop a pus-filled bump near your vagina, and certain symptoms can help narrow down the cause. I used alcohol on it to clean it. A common vaginal cyst that appears on each side of the opening to your vagina is called the Bartholin’s cyst. Most lumps and bumps are discovered on the outside of the Most lumps and bumps are harmless, but it's important to know when to worry about a lump under your skin. However, Bartholin cysts can become infected, swollen and painful. The lump comes and goes. Generally, most vaginal bumps do not require immediate treatment. Treat a cyst by letting it heal with time. Published Sep 14, 2018 Vulvar or vaginal lumps and bumps can be frightening, but there are some bumpy bits that are just normal parts of our flesh. If you notice any unusual changes in the vaginal area, contact your doctor for a Causes of a Pus-Filled Bump Near the Vagina. Some infections that Lumps and bumps on your vagina and vulva can be caused by any number of conditions, and many of these, while not always dangerous to your health, can be chronic or uncomfortable. Besides the lumps, this type of cancer is also accompanied by other symptoms, including: Abnormal vaginal bleeding; Unusual vaginal discharge; Pain during Here are some of the most common possible causes of itchy bumps around your vagina: Lichen sclerosus: Lichen sclerosus, or LS, is a dermatological condition that primarily affects the genital area. progesterone od? 2000 mg per day for 2 days, before only 1100 mg over the 7 weeks of pregnancy, is new bump in vagina, edema? serious? Vestibular papillomatosis is characterized by small, shiny, skin-colored growths on a woman’s vulva, which is the outer part of the vagina. These sac-like lumps are filled with fluid, air, or Various health conditions may lead to bumps on vagina, vulva or vaginal lips (labia minora or majora). While some types of bumps are harmless and don’t need treatment, there are two types of genital bumps and lumps that shouldn’t be ignored: infections and skin cancer. We look at the possible causes of spots, lumps or any alteration to their Bartholin's gland cyst: A tender lump near the opening of your vagina. Ingrown hairs, infections in the hair follicles, cysts, some infections, and other conditions can cause them. This can be enough to diagnose genital warts or skin tags . Avoid intercourse until your doctor says it is okay. Check your labia majora (the outer lips) and feel for any bumps. Explore, pictures, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and home remedies. To better understand them, let's explore a few different vulva skin issues that can result in bumps and lumps. If a cyst is causing you pain that’s interfering with your daily life, check in with your medical There are many different conditions that can affect your vulva, ranging from mild infections to skin conditions and, very rarely, to cancer. Written by Ashley Laderer; edited by Samantha Crozier. Sometimes it might appear in the inner genital tract as well, especially on the cervix, in which case it may go unnoticed because of its painless nature. Treatment depends on the cause and may involve medication Next, find your clitoris. The bigger they grow, the more discomfort you'll likely Vulvar cancer is cancer that starts as a growth of cells on the vulva. If a cyst is causing you pain that’s interfering with your daily life, check in with your medical professional. Possible causes of vaginal lumps: Several conditions can cause lumps in the vaginal area, including: Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs that can form on the vaginal wall or cervix. ) Vaginal Cancer. friction sores on your vagina) A recent study by the CDC states that there is a 20 percent increase in cases of syphilis. Bartholin Cysts - Vaginal prolapse is a condition where your vagina slips out of position. They can all cause very different symptoms, including itching, bleeding, rashes or a lump. Or you might feel a tender lump right underneath your skin, which you can’t see. Harmless bumps in the genital area include See your doctor if you notice any abnormal symptoms or if your perineum lump is disrupting your life by making it hard to sit, go to the bathroom, or get by without pain and discomfort. Can a lump in the vagina be cancerous? Also rare, though again, more common in those over 40. Any type of injury or trauma to this area, including childbirth, can cause a vaginal hematoma. Vaginal acne is common and usually not a reason for worry. Always see a GP if you develop a lump in the area around your vagina so they can confirm a diagnosis and rule out more serious conditions. As both a gynecologic and dermatologic organ, the vulva lies well within the purview of the 1. Medical Treatment. These small, red bumps can occur anywhere on the skin where you have hair if something clogs or infects a hair follicle. Let me explain that there are different causes of vaginal discharge: 1. Cancerous lumps often feel hard, painful, and unmovable, and Lumps and bumps on your vagina can be alarming. or be accompanied by bumps or patchy areas. Treatment Options: Management varies from observation to surgery based on the cause. Proliferative lesions affecting the vulva may originate from skin, mucosa or underlying connective tissue. Symptoms include changes in vulvar skin color, itching and lumps In some cases, a soft lump can be felt in the vaginal wall or protruding from the vagina. It is When i put my fingers inside my vagina i can feel a lump the size of a golf ball, is this normal? A doctor has provided 1 answer. If you’ve noticed a new, unexplained dark spot on your vagina, schedule a visit with a Vaginal pimples, also known as vulvar pimples or labial pimples, are small, inflamed bumps that can appear on the vulva, labia, or around the vaginal opening. Some women may develop lumps or bumps in the vaginal area sometime during their lives. The bumps usually form where skin rubs against skin, such as the vaginal area, buttocks or armpits, and they may look like blackheads (yes, the type you get on your face), pea-sized lumps that are Having a lump or bump springing up on any part of your body can be worrying, but there's something particularly stomach-churning when it erupts on or around your vagina. Dr. And, sometimes, they can be a symptom of something more serious. Vaginal infection: Yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis are two types of vaginal infections that can result in swelling and the development of tiny lumps or bumps. Your vaginal skin is sensitive, and it can be completely normal to get a pimple “down there” from time to time. What it looks like: Heads up if the bumps on your vagina look more like a blister: Herpes starts as several small blisters that turn into little ulcers a few days later, says Dr. Jonathan Song answered. Cysts may present as a lump, or as painful swelling if the cyst has become infected and an abscess has formed. Their size can vary, sometimes resembling a pea-sized pimple. If you ever notice unusual bumps inside your vagina, please do not ignore them. Herpes sores (vs. Skin Inflammation Bump Types. A full-blown infection of a Bartholin's cyst can occur in a matter of days. Even if a A rash in your vaginal area can have many different causes, including a skin condition, an infection or autoimmune condition, or parasites. Men sometimes get You discover bumps or a lump in your vagina or on your vulva (the outer genital area) — maybe while you are shaving, showering, or having sex. Fibroids: Non-cancerous growths that may develop on the vaginal wall or cervix. Also, visually look for any moles, spots, sores, skin color or texture changes, Lumps and bumps can also be a malignant growth, and potentially a sign of cancer. You Cysts are soft, painless lumps that can show up around the opening of your vagina and on your labia. This video discusses all the different vaginal lumps and what Vaginal supos. Vaginal cancer can cause lumps to grow Without the requested information, I can only give you a fairly general answer. It's prone to developing various lumps and bumps. Gonorrhea. Your skin is sensitive down there, and it’s common to have bumps and lumps on or around your Vestibular papillomatosis (VP) is a term for non-itchy, flesh-colored bumps on the vulva (external female genitalia). In some cases, this can progress to vaginal prolapse, which occurs when part of the vagina that Key Takeaways . VP bumps are common for those assigned female at birth. Cleveland Clinic is a A lump on the vagina can indicate various conditions, from benign cysts to infections, and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. 4. No one wants to think about the C-word, but vaginal cancer is a reality, and oftentimes, the key symptoms include unusual vagina bumps, bleeding, or pain 7. The bumps may be small or large, hard or soft, painful or painless, itchy or not itchy. Though it can happen at any age, vulvar cancer is usually diagnosed in older adults. They are similar to the pimples that can occur on other parts of the body, but their location in such a sensitive and intimate area can make them particularly uncomfortable and concerning. Pictures of genital rashes can help you to identify symptoms but it is essential that a Key Takeaways: Hard Lump on My Vulva Understand Anatomy: Familiarity with vulvar anatomy aids in identifying changes. Vulvar cancer is a rare cancer of your vulva. @sanv1002 has talked about something similar with a lump inside her vagina, and @travelgirl @hopeful33250 @sueblue @fromwoundedness @pizon and @gailg may also have some thoughts. For the past few months, I have had this lump on my left vagina lip on the top part and not inside the lips but outside where the hair is present. Or, quite commonly, hard poop in your rectum can feel like a bump in your vagina. Skin lesions are mainly typical of those found elsewhere on the body, and are found on the outer aspects of the vulva, the labia majora, extending to the groin. Contact your health care provider if you feel a lump inside your vagina or is protruding from your vagina. The bumps may be rough, smooth, flat, or raised. Skin Infection A lump or bump on the vagina may have a variety of causes. The vulva is the area of skin that surrounds the urethra and vagina. In most cases, the cyst heals on its own or with a What those bumps on your vagina could mean — and how to get rid of them. Other down-there skin changes to look for Vaginal Cancer and Bumps. Sometimes, lumps in this region can be due to a benign cause, such as a cyst or a small growth that may not be harmful. 2. ; Causes of Cysts: Fluid backup due to blocked gland ducts, often caused by infection or injury, leads A vaginal hematoma is an injury that’s similar to a deep bruise in your vagina. They appear on the vulva (and penis and testicles), but also on the face or in the mouth. Bacterial vaginosis. Causes include infection, inflammation, trauma, or, in rare cases, cancer. So, there you have it! Vulvar cancer can look like a lump or warty growth on the genitalia. Jessica is the owner and lead naturopath of My Vagina, and is a member of the: International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD) International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) If you have a vaginal rash, see your doctor to know for sure what caused it. These glands provide lubrication to the vagina, like during sexual excitement. Boils with a severe infection may need to be drained more than once The human body isn't perfectly smooth. In the case of bumps caused by infections, your health care provider will prescribe antibiotics, topical lotions It starts as a small firm bump (a papule) on the vulva. Hi there. Paget disease Wondering why you have a rash near your vagina? Here are the common causes, as well as treatments and at-home remedies to help symptoms. Abnormal Lumps and Bumps . Avoid scented lotions, bubble baths or soaps. Most pimples clear up within a few days with at-home treatment. Vulvar cancer commonly forms as a lump or sore on the vulva that often causes itching. Folliculitis . Your vagina is actually a long, hollow tube that doesn't properly start until well inside the body. How we If the cyst grows, you might feel a lump or mass near your vaginal opening. Lumps near the opening of the A bump on vagina can be scary, but they're usually no big deal. Make sure not to Long-term vaginal bumps or infections disturb your sexual health and also put your partner at risk. It is very important that if you notice any new symptoms or lumps in your genital area then you see a doctor promptly. Genital warts: These might appear as tiny, hard, raised bumps in the genital area and are brought on by the human papillomavirus (HPV). If you have not felt this before, you should see your Fordyce bumps or spots are small sebaceous glands obvious after some inspection in most people. The initial symptom of the disease is a few painless bumps on your vagina or mouth. In most cases, the occasional lump is likely to be perfectly harmless. Typically, they are either red or white. Pimples on the vulva (the external female genitals) are usually not actually pimples, but other types of bumps that resemble pimples. Noticing any sort of problem in or around your vagina is a scary thing. Lumps and bumps on your vagina and vulva can be caused by any number of conditions, and many of these, while not always dangerous to your health, can be chronic or uncomfortable. Possible Causes: Bartholin's Cyst: A fluid-filled cyst that forms when the opening of the Bartholin's gland (which helps lubricate the vagina) gets blocked. Everyone gets lumps and bumps on their genitals from time to time. Molluscum contagiosum . Vulval cysts usually appear as a flesh-coloured, painless bump under the skin of the inner vaginal lips (labia minora). for advice on a lump near the vaginal opening. It’s Vaginal cysts form on the inner walls of your vagina. It also pops and leaks whenever it is The appearance of the vulva is highly variable (see Women's Health Victoria site, "the labia library". Bump can then become ulcerated and hardened with raised edges and smooth base without any pus. Applying warm or cool compresses to the area and wearing loose, breathable clothing may help soothe any discomfort as you Boils are painful red, swollen bumps that can range in size from a cherry pit to a walnut. It may not need treatment. If you’ve ever had a painful bump on the labia minora that’s not quite a pimple, it was probably a cyst. The bumps may itch, but they do not usually hurt. 10 reasons you’ve got bumps on your vagina 1/ You have a breakout. Share Vaginal lumps and bumps, and other rashes usually appear on the woman's genital area (vulva). I went through your query. Vaginal lumps and bumps are surprisingly common, and they can occur for a number of reasons. Common causes of lumps on a dog’s privates for female dogs Hyperplasia and prolapse: Vaginal hyperplasia is an increase in cells and tissue of the vaginal mucosa, resulting in enlargement. Find out causes & treatment options. It includes the clitoris and labia. Bartholin’s Glands: Located at the vaginal opening, these glands produce fluid for lubrication. Common causes of genital sores are infections, skin growths, skin conditions, and injury. Bumps on a dog's vagina may be harmless, but in some cases, they may be harmful enough to require serious treatment. When bacteria get into areas of your skin that are cut or broken open, a lump filled with fluid or pus will form. What it looks like: See pi cture 1 on this graphic (warning, graphic images!). Vaginal health is a vital aspect of overall well-being. You can usually feel the cervix by inserting the first two fingers into the vagina and pushing upwards. Boils are most commonly caused by a Staphylococcus aureus (staph) infection, a type of bacteria that’s found on your skin and inside your nose. Cysts are just one type of growth many people get. You may feel a soft, painless lump. To understand bumps on the vagina, it is important to understand the anatomy. Both may appear as a small and painful liquid-filled bump on your skin. They may be felt as a soft lump during self-examination. Consulting a gynecologist Depending on the underlying cause, a genital rash can look like a single sore, itchy red bumps, or widespread inflamed, scaly skin. You should always contact a healthcare provider if you don’t know what a bump on your vagina is. Medical Advice (Q&As) on “ Lump Coming Out From the Vagina ” Yachi November 9, 2014 at 9:36 am. Alagia, MD, the senior medical director for Reasons You Get Bumps On Your Vagina It is common to find some ugly bumps cropping up on your lady part. If you suspect a sexually transmitted disease or infection is the culprit, you'll need medical care as soon as possible. They can determine if the cyst is a Bartholin cyst and check for signs of infection. Vaginal lumps If you have a mole that has changed, ask your doctor to check it out. It is easier to feel if you ‘bear down’ (contract your stomach muscles as if you are trying to open your Before you panic about your vaginal bumps, know that your vaginal bump is much more likely to be caused by something much less scary, but sometimes a bump can be a sign of some types of cancer. Vaginal or vulvar cancer can be presented as a lump or bump in the vaginal region. Vaginal lumps are very common in women and they can be a symptom of many different conditions. That's especially important if you're going to shave, wax, or use another hair removal method If you’ve ever had a painful bump on the labia minora that’s not quite a pimple, it was probably a cyst. 1. Another reason could be an ingrown pubic hair. Advertisement. It happens when the tissues and muscles in your pelvis weaken and overstretch. Cysts range in size from the size of a pea to that of an orange. Look for any growths, bumps, or discoloration. Seek Medical Attention: Persistent pain or changes in size warrant a doctor’s visit. Female genital sores are abnormal growths or bumps on the vulva or in the vagina. In this article we will explore the causes for vaginal bumps, from the most common to the more rare. Report anything that looks abnormal or suspicious to your physician. Frequently Asked Questions. Other symptoms. These changes can occur with or without pain. Bartholin gland cancer. a lump or growth in the vagina that you or your doctor can feel. Non-STD-related causes include: 1. Ob-gyns explain what causes vaginal bumps and lumps and how to treat them. Symptoms of a Bartholin's cyst. When I scratch my vaginal area, the skin looks Vaginal Bumps don't automatically indicate an STD or a contagious condition. Chlamydia. To make a diagnosis, your doctor will typically begin by conducting a physical examination and looking at the bumps or growths. Make sure not to Your gynecologist is the only one who can determine the cause of those itchy bumps near your vagina. Pick a gentle and hypoallergenic detergent for your laundry to avoid irritation. Symptoms include bumps between 2 and 5 millimeters The bumps appear as either a single bump or in clusters that may resemble a cauliflower. However, sometimes the bumps can be a sign of more dangerous condition like an STI. 9. Vulvar cancer can actually produce lumps that are red, pink, or white, and may feel rough or thick to the touch, as a symptom, and vaginal cancer, while If you find a lump in the area between your vagina and anus, the first step is to take note of any other symptoms or changes. Not certain: You may be feeling the cervix, or if you have any pelvic floor relaxation, you may be feeling your bladder (cystocele). . It mainly impacts postmenopausal women, but about 7 percent to 14 percent of cases happen in girls who haven't had their period. Here’s the hairy truth about those bumps on your vagina An expert explains everything you need to know about treating ingrown hairs. A distinct mass (lump) on either side of the opening to the vagina can be the sign of a Bartholin gland carcinoma. Health Conditions Health Products opening of the vagina; inner lips of the vagina, or labia minora; outer lips of the The vulva refers to the external female genitalia and includes the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vulvar vestibule, urethral meatus, vaginal introitus, and Bartholin's and Skene's vestibular glands (Nguyen and Duong, 2020). Last year I developed something that looks like a water sack (a little big) near the opening of my vagina. Can BV cause bumps? Bacterial vaginosis does not cause bumps, Now that I am almost 15 years old, I started shaving and getting razor bumps on my vagina. Bartholin Cyst or Abscess A woman has Check for moles, spots, sores, bumps, rashes and changes in skin color or texture on the area where your pubic hair grows as well as the clitoris, outer and inner lips of the vulva and the perineum (the space between the vagina and anus). Bumps on the vagina can be vaginal pimples, cysts, boils, genital sores, and more. While some vaginal pimples can be treated with home remedies and good hygiene, others may require medication. However, other times, a lump may be linked to conditions like infections, tissue changes, or even Customer: I popped a bump on my vaginal area. These rugae are similar to the ridges you feel when your tongue touches the roof of your mouth. I am a 28 years old woman. Occasionally, these cysts can be found on the outer Vaginal boil causes. Causes for bumps on vagina Symptom: Bumps are under the skin. Causes can include cysts, warts, polyps, and, rarely, vaginal cancer. I hope it is helpful. Your first thought might be that there is something A Bartholin's cyst, also called a Bartholin's duct cyst, is a small fluid-filled sac just inside the opening of the vagina. This is fairly common, and there are a variety of causes — but only a few require clinical treatment. I have had a lump in that same spot before. Although a cyst is usually painless, it can be tender. Having VP is not harmful and does not pose any Red bumps on the vaginal area after shaving may be a sign of razor burn. This AnimalWised article explains why my dog has a bump on her private area. It is essential to keep an eye on your condition and get anything suspicious checked by an expert. Remember that many of these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, such as infection. One of the most common causes of folliculitis is The bumps usually form where skin rubs against skin, such as the vaginal area, buttocks or armpits, and they may look like blackheads (yes, the type you get on your face), pea-sized lumps that are Most bumps have varying associated symptoms depending on the underlying cause. I got these bumps around a month ago and I thought they were just leaving scars and went away but recently one came back and I popped it. Would it be ok if I put mupirocin ointment right after using alcohol on it? What should I do now since I popped it? The bumps usually form where skin rubs against skin, such as the vaginal area, buttocks or armpits, and they may look like blackheads (yes, the type you get on your face), pea-sized lumps that are Symptoms include changes in vulvar skin color, itching and lumps or open sores. This article will examine just a few of the conditions that can cause a vaginal rash. And then there’s the not-so-common vaginal lumps It’s not unusual to notice sores around the vulva and vagina, such as rashes, scratches, blisters, or lumps. In some Hi, @mxstx, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It only causes problems when it gets inside your body. This blog discusses the various causes of a lump in the vagina; ulcers and other skin changes in or around the vagina; Other symptoms of vaginal cancer include: bleeding from the vagina after the menopause; bleeding after sex or pain during sex; smelly or bloodstained vaginal discharge; bleeding between periods; an itch in your vagina that will not go away; pain when you pee, or Lance and drain: If the boil is extremely painful or large, your doctor may lance or cut the bump to drain the pus and fluid. These symptoms are more likely with advanced vaginal cancer: constipation; feeling unable to completely empty your bowels even if there is nothing there to come out In fact, lumps and bumps on or around your vagina are quite commonplace and usually nothing to worry about. It's crucial to go to the doctor if you experience such Sores (ulcers), blisters, pimples and lumps can form inside or nearby the vagina. If you Lumps on the vagina, or more specifically the vulva, can be very serious. Understanding Vaginal Health. What should I do about pimples on my vagina? Well, unless you're sure it's a pimple, you should talk with a doctor about finding fast, effective antiviral treatment for genital herpes. Since you are aware of the lump during the time of your period, a possible reason could be a reaction or irritation from menstrual pads. Have you considered calling your OB/GYN, then? The main lump in the vagina is the cervix (neck of the womb). The most common form of vaginal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, starts in your vagina’s lining and forms flat, skin-like bumps, explained Damian P. I have 3 problems: 1. I can feel that you are perplexed, which is very understandable. First of all, don’t panic. Yet staying calm is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Candidiasis (yeast infection). Trichomonas vaginalis. You probably thought pimples were over with as soon as you peaced out of your teen years, but breakouts can still haunt you in adulthood—and not Vulvar cancer can cause a variety of symptoms, including lumps, bumps, moles, or patches on the vulva. Bartholin duct cysts are reported to affect 2% of adult women at some time in their life. 3. A Gartner cyst is a small solitary unilateral cyst on the front vaginal wall towards one side, which may bulge to present as an interlabial . Below are seven causes of a vaginal pus-filled bump, along with tips on when it’s time to talk to a doctor to see if HS might be the cause. Don’t squeeze or pop a bump. HPV infection is a common cause. A true pimple or acne breakout comes from a build-up of dirt or oil that clogs your These folds, ridges, and bumps, known as vaginal rugae, are more prominent during the reproductive years, which allows the vaginal canal to expand, making the vaginal lining less likely to tear during childbirth as well as sex. Causes of what looks like pimples on the vulva are often caused by folliculitis, contact dermatitis, Keep the skin near your vagina clean to prevent unpleasant labia bumps from occurring in the future. The severity of the condition, indicated by these lumps and bumps, can be classified into three categories: Harmless; Infection Periodically, lumps and bumps develop on the vagina. 2021-07-20T19:19:54Z An curved arrow pointing right. Here is a list of 10 possible causes of a lump on the vulva or vagina. Cancer: A lump or mass in your vagina is one of the many symptoms of vaginal cancer, which may also cause painful urination and pelvic pain. Cancerous lumps can form anywhere on the vulva or vagina, including deeper inside the vaginal canal. Some can get even as large as a golf ball. Bumps in the vaginal area may indicate other STIs and should be discussed with and diagnosed by your healthcare provider. More often, however, a lump in this area is from a Bartholin gland cyst, which is much more common (and is not a cancer). Have you experienced any of the following? The bumps on the vagina are under the skin. Common Causes: Hard lumps may result from cysts, infections, or skin conditions. The vagina, being a self-cleaning organ, has its own unique ecosystem that can be affected by numerous factors. If the cyst becomes infected, you may experience: A tender, painful lump near the vaginal opening; If you feel a lump near the opening of your vagina and don’t know what it is, contact your healthcare provider. bwklfx mmaxvo pecpq wmg jhlec cqlae sgn yrgdha mszul ogd ceaq dsgqrn hpv khrj rgfhzf