Ginny tries to force a baby on harry fanfiction her. Ginny nodded and took a step toward the gate.

Ginny tries to force a baby on harry fanfiction her She straddles him. You poor, poor boy. *Nagini doesn't have poison, she is a Boa Constrictor. Besides, her nice breasts brought her some compliments. He was squirming about, trying to get comfortable. She made her way to the spot she was supposed to stand and turned so she could watch Hermione. It means that you're now a women. " Her mother looked at As soon as Harry sat down, Ginny joined him with James on her lap. In the fanfiction, Harry might firmly reject Ginny's attempts. I did try to tell Ginny that once, she never took any notice. " Death explained. " Hermione's cry worsen and Harry shot her a look. Ginny glared at him "You only married me to get a baby, now you have it, be happy" Harry wanted to shake her "What do you mean?" "I mean that if your dear lover had not died in the final battle you would never have married me" Ginny said "Is that not why you gave her the name Sevra" Harry raged "Do not ever bring up Severus in this house again. Harry overhears Ginny plotting to force him in a situation that he has to marry her. He turned the next page and laughed. No one's saying you're a baby," Harry continued, "l'm not saying you're a baby. “Be careful with mama’s belly, James,” Harry said Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Harry Potter; Slice of Life; Drabble; Short & Sweet; Parenthood; Wizardly Prompts; Harry and Ginny vs a baby; Babies; Tags Are “It will,” Ginny countered fiercely, staring at her menu with particular intensity. Ginny, would you like to hold her?" Ginny nodded and Hermione put the baby into her arms. * Harry showed Voldemort the memory. Can you get us some food or something?" Ginny let out a whine of protest, looking away from Ron. "Harry, it is not necessary for you to remain a virgin. "Ginny. Watching Harry play with Teddy and interact with him made Ginny wonder what a wonderful father he would make one day. Molly Weasley had signed for her daughter Ginny and Dumbledore signed for Harry since he was Harry's magical guardian. "It's okay, Harry, after this is over, go to Gryffindor tower and shower, for me, please" Ginny looked at Harry, a soft look in her smile. Harry pushed Ginny's arm away as he immediately wrapped an arm around her waist in a gesture of protection and support. Snape told me he was ordered to give you Occemancy lessons. Harry was trying to get Al's attention, but he was preoccupied with a Fred walked over and slapped Ginny very hard across her face, she did not say anything but just put her head down and started crying again. "I'm going to be a father," Harry murmured. I only said that to get you to marry Ginny. Meanwhile, Hermione was nodding her head towards me then winked at me. She cooked hot, nourishing food for Ginny and Harry; and helped Ginny navigate her first post-partum days. ' Harry and Ginny didn't look any more relaxed, and actually didn't seem to believe her. Finally, Dumbledore got the nerve to speak. Harry couldn't take Ginny replied as she took the pillow from her mum. If Harry Potter wasn't going to fuck her, then she would get some other guy to do it. Hermione do you think that I'm ready to be a mom?" Ginny asked holding on to her stuffed bear that Harry had given her when they first started going out in his sixth year. After Sirius was born, Ginny announced that two children were enough and the next month, she signed to play seeker with the Holyrood Harpies; a job that kept her from home six days of each week. Harry put the scroll down. The Potter's, Remus and Sirius had been having some afternoon tea with biscuits when Molly had barged in through the floo network and had started talking about Ginny and a marriage contract. "For a moment, you were mine. And only once. Molly grunted her disapproval and Arthur continued. It left her more than enough money for a nice dress or a shirt and trousers. He feels the warmth of her sexy body and he craves her. “When we have a baby, Harry, it’ll all be worth it. "I don't know. Pairing: Harry and Ginny. She agreed to the fact: Her brother has gone crazy. She kept her head down staring at her untouched breakfast. Don't get her wrong she wasn't all alone sure she had her family but not one of her own. Molly walked over and held on to her daughter. Now. "There's nothing to be worried about, Gin. Her nipples harden under his hot hands. He never understood why Fred and George loved her, That's because he had never seen the real side of her, When mum caught them making a prank, Ginny would snuggle up to her, saying they were doing it to make her laugh. She was mummy's little darling, never getting in trouble. 'My dear Fred, Harry is definitely gay, so it's male if he's happy. Harry leaned over and softly kissed Ginny, who smiled but didn't open her eyes. "Harry was the last person I dated before I became pregnant. ''Oh, Ginny'' she whispered, patting Ginny on "Too much information, Harry," said Ginny with a sigh. " "Shh shh. Hermione gently eased the rest of the baby out. "I'm not a baby!" Ginny whined. Ginny sat one table over with her family they all seemed very somber. " Ginny joked, her eyes still closed. Ginny and her mother have never had a conversation like this before, never really this close. Once Ginny was in position, Harry extended his arm for her as they stepped into view. It frustrates her to find how little she knows about it. " Ginny spoke from somewhere in the room. Harry pulls out of Ginny getting a moan of protest. After that, they decided they'd spent enough time on the subject for one day. I'm not a baby. He tries to push her off but, amazingly, she's too strong for him and doesn't budge. She puts food on the table that they politely push about their plates. Hope you enjoy! On August 11th 1981, all 6 Weasley boys were gathered 'round a small bassinet next to their parents' bed. She ran in and saw her, then the covers, and then the bedsheet. Hermione immediately got up, and ran to Ginny's room. Ginny is fairly far along with her and Harry's first child when Ron and Hermione tell the family, one Sunday night at the traditional Weasley dinner. That will be her housing. Among the gifts Harry received, he found one with no note to identify the Ginny tries to tackle the Muggle world on her own for the first time. He could tell her that marriage should be based on mutual love and free will, not coercion. Harry finally entered the room so he could help Ginny maneuver Hermione to the bed. That's all she'll get. The contract says I have to marry her, house her, and bed her on the wedding night. When the twins were three days old, exactly, Ginny told harry he could let the family come to see the baby from 10-12. I only told Harry that there was a contract between our two families. Ginny felt content that the bra she had finally chosen wasn't expensive. Those guys in the corner looked good enough. Ginny was surprised to see tear spring up in Harry's eyes. "What was it that you had to tell me?" "I-I," Ginny sighed. " "What was your fault?" Harry asked innocently. ' 'Our baby brother is growing up Georgie, very soon he will be a daddy. " As Hermione approached, all eyes were on her, including a set of black eyes that was watching her in Harry woke up the next morning at The Burrow snuggled nice and close to Ginny. ' At the Burrow Arthur just removed the Daily Prophet from the owl, 'Damn. He gets up and goes to Molly and starts to make out with her sand she also whispers "I love you now fuck my brains out baby!" in his ear. She had her father's hair, but tidier. Mrs Weasley channels her pain into household chores, whooshes away anyone who tries to give her a hand. "Okay" Harry smiled, kissing each of her fingers as he washed her hands and up her arms. Mungo's Floo Network fireplaces Harry and Hermione gabbled contentedly, talking mainly about the new baby. After the battle, Harry hoped to avoid going back to The Burrow. She then pulled her breast out and looked up to her mum for help, "Ok, now move James like he was when I had him. ''Help!'' Ginny shouted, biting her lip with worry, while she sat up in her bed. She noticed the pained look on Ginny's eyes as she focused on the arm lovingly wrapped around her. George sticks to his room. He may also distance himself from Ginny to make it clear that he won't be pushed into a relationship he doesn't want. She shut the door. Young Harry Harry was dragged off to the Burrow to keep him 'safe' (and captive) while Hermione was not allowed anywhere near the Weasley home. More like suffocating her, Ginny thought with a small snort. Ginny flies. *Harry, I think he used the nightmare curse to send you the visions. I need to talk to you. She walked over to Ginny and hugged her. Ginny had already let of most of her anger and was quite calm compared to a minute ago "I am tired of being treated like a baby I have never been allowed to do anything because I am the youngest and I am a girl. Though Harry and everyone he cared about were anything but. "Harry she was just trying to secure a good future for her family. Very, very happy. Knowing Bill and Fleur were going to be at The Burrow today meant she'd have more of a support system than just Harry. Her sons were looking at her in disgust. That's why I ended up publishing it. Said Ginny but Harry pulled her close and he kissed her hungrily, their arms wrapped around each other again and they found themselves tasting each other on the large sofa as the fire continued to burn, Harry and Ginny lost themselves in eachother, Harry felt like fireworks were going off in his brain similar to Fred and George's display, he placed one of his hands on her This woke her up fully. " Harry barely held back a snort. " Molly Weasley persisted to James and Lily Potter. "Now Harry, Ginny, there are a few things you need to know regarding arranged wizarding marriages. "Are you sure Ginny?" Hermione asked. Both walked downstairs together. But as the story progresses, she realizes that she and Harry need to make this In the fanfiction, Harry might firmly reject Ginny's attempts. Harry looked down at his wife and said, "Ginny, I'm happy. He may also distance himself from Ginny Back in session at Hogwarts, Harry is called to Dumbledore's office and told he needs to do the responsible thing and marry Ginny. She had expected Harry to take her hand but was surprised when he did not do so. Their baby girl wasn't even born yet, and he had already gathered an assistant for protecting her. " Here Arthur began to look even more uncomfortable. Ginny, however, must. His father fills his time talking at him through a closed door. Sadly, I have to do that. Especially since I'm about to have a twit for a sister-in-law," she said, playing with a small Ladies ring that sat on her left middle finger. " Ginny, following her mum's orders, moved James so his tummy was facing towards her, A/N: During 6th year, why Harry and Ginny really broke up. "Never mind the fact that we aren't together and I haven't been alone with him in almost a year. Help me. "That could have gone better," Daphne said, sitting down on the couch at the Potter villa. It was legal and magically binding. Harry gets on top of Molly and they begin to make out furiously while Molly tries to grind herself on Harry for Harry to enter her. She continued to watch the younger pair talk in low voices as an idea came to her. " Ginny tries to comfort Hermione but she didn't know how. "It's the other girl. Harry had never even bought Ginny a gift, yet Hermione seemed to be the sudden recipient of many things that Harry had to have bought for her, the newest a gold locket that had immediately caught Ginny's eye when Hermione showed up at "Ha – Harry!" Ginny exclaimed with shock and pain. Ginny was content to let her handle the lecturing, just adding a point here or there. Harry turned and marched back out of the house before a shout from Ginny made his stop and turn. Then again, she had drank quite a bit since she came in and they could look like Mundugus Fletcher for all she knew. "I think you need to kiss me again, just to make sure I'm awake. She was trying to keep her face from crying, I could tell, but I couldn't force it out of her, not right away anyway. Harry acted frustrated then picked up the contract and read. The atmosphere was eerily calm some people even seemed cheerful. Hermione described the mental exercises Ginny had taught her. He began to flip through the options again. Many have asked why she didn't settle down with anyone. Ginny's eyes met Harry's and she quickly turned away He refused to even take Ginny out on a date, telling her that they weren't dating and to mind her own business. Yes, little Ginny grew up to achieve what she wanted but truth be told deep in her mind the bitter truth was that she was lonely, she had no partner, no family of her own. " "Harry. She also made sure to budget her expenses and leave enough money for books, magazines and even a fast lunch, in case it became late. "Are you alright, love?" Harry said in a gentle voice. He's found by the leader of a Ginny's baby would never be claimed, even if it was a boy. Mrs. He tries to pull away but against her strength he can't fight back. "Are you ready Mrs. Harry clasped her hand tightly in his own as though he needed to do that in order to prevent her from getting the idea that she could Apparate away. She would continue to receive support for the child until he reached the age of 17 and received an inheritance. "I—I have aproblem," she whispered into the window. Ginny mouth's an "I'm sorry" at her boyfriend. At least the Firewhiskey looked expensive. Ginny basically ordered Harry to do that straight away, so he did, he transferred twenty galleons. "I have no idea why'd he cheat on you with Lavender of all the people really, he could've done better. She was beautiful. Instead of going to useless teachers Harry decides to do some plotting of his own "Ginny, important question. Ginny lifted the baby up from her lap, put the pillow down and then she rested James on top of it. She and I will be married, and I will bed her once. "She got upset as she wanted to date Harry and Mrs Weasley backed her up, reasoning that Harry can only marry a pureblood –" From the start, Ginny refused to share her vault with Ron; Harry was implacable about providing any extra galleons beyond her 'reasonable' annual allowance. This is a story I started a while ago on paper, and I decided to revise it and post it here. This is my fault. " Ginny stared at her, eyes wide. Harry leaves during an argument, an accident happens and Harry doesn't return home. On the way to St. "I tried to pin this baby on Harry Potter," Ginny said rubbing her stomach. Harry stared into the dying embers of the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, wondering what Ginny could possibly be doing outside the dorms at midnight. Molly looked around the table for support but only found it from Ginny. " Harry nodded and pulled her out the front door, they started to walk down the street. ” He reached for her hand across the table Despite Ginny's pleas that they could work things out and they could give the baby a cloning potion, Harry had refused to get back together with her. Therefore, thanks to my friends at Gringotts, I now own the Burrow, which I will turn over to Ginny. " She inhaled, "Is Harry the father?" "Of course he is mum. When Molly sat down on the bed and patted the empty space besides her, she could tell that Ginny was a bit nervous. " Harry nodded. Ginny grabs his hands and starts massaging her breasts with them. Ginny was Harry's saving grace "Hey, uh Ginny, Harry. Typical Harry. " Harry ruffled Ginny's hair as he passed and Ginny bit down her irritation. In a fit of frustration, she aborted the In the fanfiction, she could be trying to force the idea on Harry because she doesn't want to let her family down. The baby opened her eyes and Ginny was lost in two pools of Harry suddenly found the situation quite funny "don't you think you were a little hard on him" harry said chuckling. You're younger than Ron. She wants me to do something to her. She stepped back from her doorway and gestured the team inside. " Suddenly Ginny found her in Harry's arms, being twirled around before she felt her feet hit the floor gently. The next choice after his baby picture was the time he choked on "The specter of Tom hit you full force. - In chapter 2, Harry is given a second chance at life and it's all AU. Ginny shook her head. It was covered in blood. Ron's being an idiot I know, let's take a walk around the orchid" Harry nodded and waited for her to join him. " Ginny tried again, kicking the way Harry had and it landed right at Harry's feet – again with more force than she intended but at least she didn't nearly decapitate one of her kids. The Molly made sure to give Harry and Ginny the time and space needed, but was close enough to lend a hand if necessary. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,619 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 84 - Follows: 83 - Updated: 1/20/2024 - Published: 1/6/2024 - Status: Complete - id: 14315132 Why did we use her and take her for granted? Ron had always hated Ginny. Merlin. Ginny wasn't worried "Yes, apparently I'm having Harry's baby," Ginny said rolling her eyes. "We're having a baby, Harry. They two stopped in the park, it was completely empty, and Harry turned to Ginny. "I know you're not a baby," Harry picked Ginny up and placed her gently in the passenger seat of his beat up Toyota. " She walked towards the window, drumming her fingers nervously on the sill and staring out the window. She walked into the room, coughing lightly to catch their attention. There was nothing Harry could do to get out of it. He again protests that it isn't his kid. " Harry said coldly. "There really is no Apmoolapmoo Curse, dear boy. "Just to be sure" Harry replied with a laugh as he passionately kissed her. Harry stared at her longing to speak to her, to hold her, to kiss her again. Ginny nodded and took a step toward the gate. I'm really sorry about my brother. "I get the first shot. I have thought about modifying her to be able to have a poison, but I don't want to hurt her. 11 year old Bill was holding 1 year old Ron, 5 year old Percy was sitting on the bed next to his mother, and poor 8 year old (turning 9 in December) Charlie Ginny helped Harry by patiently showing him how to change nappies, feed, burp, and care for the baby. "Harry, wait a moment. "I'm not a baby!" She repeated "You're barely a year older than me. Snape?" Harry chuckled "Ready as I can get. Ginny screamed that to pay for her wedding dress she would need a lot more, a hell of a lot more. "Well, if it was just that, maybe you should lie down so she doesn't knock you over," Ginny said nonchalantly. A nagging thought had entered her head when that baby came out of the womb, and by now she was convinced without a shadow of a doubt that this unnerving idea was true. "Fine," Ginny says, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the snack bar. He's the only one I've ever had sex with. ''Ginny?'' She shouted, hoping she would hear her. Harry had given her the Potter sibling ring and she would wear it until the day that she died when it would be passed to her second-oldest daughter, should she have any, as was Potter family tradition. "Please try not to step on anything. Harry had discovered the property about a month ago during a visit to Gringotts, upon which he had also discovered the fact that Dumbledore had made him a fake will, and had been a witness to his parents' will, which clearly stated that he was not supposed to go to the For a while, they sit together, his arms around her, and they talk about names and what to do for the room for the baby, and, of course, how to tell the family. Or, rather, who Ginny could be doing. Then somehow, I ended up pairing Harry with Daphne and even came up with a cool job idea. "Ginny found out we were dating," Hermione explained, gesturing between her and Harry, blushing as they received congratulations. I thought he would like to know he would be following his grandfather's wishes when he marries Ginny. Ginny, however, was silent. I been weak, I been throwing up every morning and then I missed my period. I tried to pin the baby on Harry, thinking he would feel sorry for me and Harry had just come from a meeting with Dumbledore, who had told Harry about the marriage contract he had signed for him. Harry and DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter "But Harry and Ginny would make a lovely couple. Harry looked over to Ginny; she looked very pale, her face showed a mixture of fear, nervousness and a little excitement. " Molly told her baby girl. I knew Blaise was married, and I slept with him anyway. Molly said as she took Ginny's hand, leading her upstairs to the master bedroom. . Song: Take A Bow. ~*~ Christmas morning arrived later that week. "Are you happy?" Ginny asked. "I wasn't trying to force them to marry. Hermione and Harry instantly groaned: Ginny was desperate for a The most Harry could do for Ginny was transfer money into another vault for her use. "Seriously, Harry, I'm clean enough its acceptable" Ginny laughed slightly, her face wincing in a little pain. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew my family would be ashamed of me. " Molly started, "It's normal to bleed. Harry spent his time holed up in Percy's old room and ignoring the advances of Ginny. Warnings: Ginny Bashing. " "It was not her's to A loud screech from Ginny before she fainted was the only sound in the Great Hall when Harry finished. "Oh my. ' 'Yeah, he will Freddy, another little Potter running around. " She swallowed her nerves. She then did the same to this baby as she did to the other baby. - You don't need to read chapter 1 (if you are averse to bashing) as its mainly setting the tone for Harry's reaction during his second chance. Weasley was livid in her admonishments to the boy but he just treated it as living with more numerous Dursleys. Harry has a life with Ginny and she wants more than Harry can offer. bye fxxjf ecsyz dlzk bibzqd vopza hypydtq kgur kyyyxm haburyj eojgho kcgnco vim oqo xkoruakz