Santa rosa county police scanner These codes indicate the officer findings and end result of an incident. by | May 11, 2023 | what level does whimpor evolve loomian legacy | lafayette high school football roster | May 11, 2023 | what level does Sonoma County, California Amateur Radio Repeaters. I wish Sonoma County had someone like that. The screening and selection process SANTA ROSA POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS SECTION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL Keith Hinton Technical Services Division Manager Version 01. Feed Notes CHANNELS - South Fire - South Tac 1 - South Tac 2. Armed – Use Caution : 051 . Liberty County: Sheriff / Fire Dispatch: 154. In other Get local news, weather information, and breaking news for Pensacola, Escambia County, Santa Rosa County and the surrounding areas from the news team at NewsRadio Pensacola deputy sheriff trainees (dst) are required to work under the direct supervision of a field training officer. 0100: Directions Physical Address: View Map 965 Sonoma Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404. State Police 453. For general information contact 850-983-1100. The system will be an APCO TDMA P25 Digital 700/800 System. 250: KYU783: BM: 192. It seems he misses almost nothing. Unless exemptions apply, emails sent to City staff or Council members, any attachments, and any replies, are subject to disclosure upon request, and neither the sender nor any recipients should have any expectation of privacy regarding the contents of such communications. This order shall apply to everyone within the Sheriff’s Office. E. No ads for Live Feed Listing for Santa Rosa County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Multiple witnesses called to report two vehicles were involved in the collisi… SANTA ROSA COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE Overview: When a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) incident (call) is closed, specific codes are required to complete the incident. Santa Rosa County Amateur Radio Repeaters. Hi/Lo Sirens Santa Rosa police cars and fire department vehicles are outfitted with new Hi/Lo sirens, a different sound than traditional sirens. S. That was one of the highest percentages of any large county in the state. 890 (PL 100. Lewis - Detention Captain C. Escambia / Santa Rosa County Public Safety: Project 25 Phase II: 770. In November of 2016 I had made the decision to move to Sonoma County. For example, 11-86 is a traffic stop in SR, but many places its undefined or even a bomb threat, lol. Vance - Patrol Captain J. Subjects ran on foot towards the surrounding apartment complex. We extend our gratitude to the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, Suwannee County Sheriff's Office, FWC, FHP, and K-9 teams from Suwannee, Mayo, Baker, and Taylor Correctional Institutions for their success in safely apprehending this dangerous felon. santa rosa county police scanner. To listen using other methods such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, or Winamp, choose your player selection and click the play icon to start listening. Live Feed Listing for Santa Rosa County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. dst are not permitted to work signal 15 or off duty assignments. Reporting public safety events locally. 5: R : Alachua County and Gainesville Public Safety: Alachua: SCANNER,Public Safety Gainesville Police and Alachua Fire: Alachua: SCANNER,Public Safety: Florida State Forestry All Identified Frequencies in Santa Rosa County, Florida (FL) Santa Rosa Junior College PD 460. This unit is composed of several Detectives with numerous years of Law Enforcement experience who are highly motivated to solve any crime that may occur within the confines of Santa Rosa County. Program local police frequencies from Santa Rosa County, Florida into your scanner. In the event of an emergency, DIAL 911. Sonoma County Scanner Updates. 1 FM, 89. Escambia / Santa Rosa County Public Safety system and TGIDs of 5601 and 5604. m. The Santa Rosa Police Department advises you to avoid the area of Santa Rosa Avenue and Elsa Drive. 61,894 likes · 77 talking about this. In Santa Rosa County, Republicans outnumber Democrats by a 3-to-1 ratio and 74% voted for Trump in 2016. Major Crimes Unit The Major Crimes Unit is part of the Investigation Division of the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office. 5500 - Petaluma Campus - CTCSS:127. 1 FM (bilingual), 98. Cloverdale. 900: WQQ309: BM: SantaRosa PW Correspondencia por correo postal o dejada en persona a la siguiente dirección: Departamento de Policia de Santa Rosa, 965 Sonoma Ave. t e r o d s o S n p e a r 4 5 n o h r l 6 1 0 M 8 Oct 24, 2017 · REDCOM Dispatch in Santa Rosa, CA is a Joint Powers Authority established in 2002 under the California Joint Exercise of Powers Act to provide centralized emergency Fire and EMS dispatching to emergency response agencies within Sonoma County. 310. Download CSV File of All Identified Frequencies For: G. Careers with us Join the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Jan 24, 2023 · DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag; 6001: 1771: T: SRPD 1 Dispatch: Police Dispatch: Law Dispatch: 6002: 1772: TE: SPRD 2 Records: Police Records: Law Talk: 6003: Mar 3, 2025 · Nov 13, 2014 - Santa Rosa County Commissioners have approved the upgrade of the counties public radio system. 84,242 likes · 5,507 talking about this · 1,074 were here. Pick one of the following or scroll down for complete list. Jones - Investigations Captain T. . 490/144. Update #3 from Santa Rosa - Sonoma County Scanner Updates Jan 1, 2020 · Santa Rosa Police Department to a battery call on New Zealand Ave Oct 5, 2019 · Santa Rosa County-Scanner Question. Amos - Detention ACR Cpt. Run by volunteers with field experience. Control channels 2,3,4. , Santa Rosa, CA 95404. 7 FM (Spanish); watch your preferred local TV news channel. Listen live Santa Clara County Sheriff, Police, Fire, CHP, and CAL FIRE radio with Onlineradiobox. Frequency: CallSign: DBA/Licensee: City: 154. 8. On Thursday, July 8, 2021, the Santa Rosa Police Department, local law enforcement agencies and family will celebrate the life of Detective Marylou Armer. Listen online to Santa Clara County Sheriff, Police, Fire, CHP, and CAL FIRE radio station for free – great choice for Los Gatos, United States. Sonoma County Fire and CalFire LNU West and CDF Command 6 (PRI), LNU Command, LNU East, CDF Tac 2, 4, 5, 6 and 10. As I looked around in Facebook to try and find a group or something that would let me know what was going on, I didn’t find Yesterday, Sheriff Bob Johnson was officially sworn in for his third term as the Santa Rosa County Sheriff. S. Due to the pandemic, no law enforcement funeral occurred. Tifft Major R. Knowledge of legal procedures, fires, dispatch and medical. Established in 2016. 7400 - Rohnert Park Campus - CTCSS:162. "SWAT" is commonly used internationally, as a colloquial, generic term for these units. 16000: The Santa Rosa Police Department has received information that illegal sideshows have started in Santa Rosa tonight. If available, see below for a list of known police frequencies for Santa Rosa, Texas. Additional Information For more information, contact the county ARES Emergency Coordinator, 850-979-4100 or visit the ARES website . Santa Rosa Co. Priority set for LNU West and CDF Command 6 (this . 2. Get access to crime maps, most wanted lists, pistol permits, court records, and restraining orders. Public safety events in Sonoma County. Bringmans - Special Operations Major C. SWAT ("Special Weapons And Tactics") is a commonly used proper name for law enforcement units, which use military-style light weapons and specialized tactics in high-risk operations that fall outside of the capabilities of regular, uniformed police. City of Santa Rosa records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act. 04375; Escambia / Santa Rosa County Public Safety If you are interested in Amateur Radio, Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) is for you. scanner and radio frequency reference for fire and ems in Florida. Some emergency Jul 31, 2023 · Original post : 7/25/23 1030pm Santa Rosa Police Officers a attempted traffic stop and after fleeing, a white Toyota sedan crashed at the intersection of Guerneville & North Dutton. Fire) batdude 2023-09-17 18:25:10 Nov 8, 2024 · Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. 1620 and 92. Santa Rosa: Amateur radio repeaters in Milton, Florida : Amateur Radio 0 Online: Santa Rosa: Amateur Radio VHF Repeaters in Northwest Florida: Amateur Radio 0 Offline: Santa Rosa: Munson Fire: Public Safety 1 Online: Santa Rosa: Pensacola Area NOAA Weather Radio KEC-86: Other 6 Online: Santa Rosa: Santa Rosa County Fire - Central: Public Safety In the event of an EMERGENCY, dial 911. Using the SaferWatch App, individuals can report incidents and receive real-time safety alerts directly from law enforcement. 54 REPEATERS FOUND IN SONOMA COUNTY Santa Rosa: Sonoma: K6ACS: OPEN: DSTAR 145. Please feel free to submit corrections! Santa Rosa County Fire - Central Central Fire, Central Tac 1, Central Tac 2, and Escambia Mutual Aid Tac. 40000: Santa Rosa County: North Fire: 154. 5 Mar 19, 2018 · Jail staff at the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office has a powerful new tool at their disposable helping ensure the safety of staff and inmates. 3. Evidence photos being taken, victim still alive and transported to hospital, 38 year Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office FL Sheriff Johnson live on radio. Jackson - Law Enforcement Major D. 00:00 Play Live. This feed will simply be covering the southern fire department operations of Santa Rosa County to include the channels South Fire Dispatch, South Fire Tac 1, and South Tac 2. once a dst has completed the full fto program, they will be promoted to a deputy sheriff and be released to work independently. 5 FM, 100. 04375; Escambia County Police Radar Detectors & Escambia County Police Scanners. 070: WRDR622: RM: 118. Located in the heart of the main administrative complex of the Sheriff’s Office and surrounded by miles of wire, and clusters of computers, telephones, and radios, we are staffed each hour of every day by women and men dedicated to providing aid to the Fire Tac channels are for Santa Rosa north to Healdsurg. They seem to use a good number of unique codes. Detectives in this unit provide 3 days ago · Time Event Location Grid Zone Case# Event# Event Date: 03/09/25 : 20:39: TRAFFIC CRASH WITH INJURIES: N TAMIAMI TRL/FRUITVILLE RD: G079: ST01: F25013430: C2503091030 scanner codes | Sonoma County wide Freq's 70 Santa Rosa: 40 West County: 80 Windsor Police Dept. No usar para emergencias. Together, we are making our Florida communities safer. 205 : 88. 3 - Simulcasts CHP broadcasts System Name System Type Frequency; Escambia / Santa Rosa County Public Safety: Project 25 Phase II: 770. Santa Rosa Police Department Santa Rosa PD Policy Manual 1. Santa Rosa Police Department Case #22-12059 On October 14, 2022, at 9:56 pm, a Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office FL. Calfire LNU West Dispatch, Tac 6 Air Tac 6. Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office. 150 Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. CHP Emerald 4(PRI), CHP Blue, Sonoma County SO 1-4, Santa Rosa PD 1&2, Healdsburg PD 1&2, Petaluma PD 1-3, Rohnert Park PD 1&2, Sebastopol PD 1&3, Cotati PD, Cloverdale PD, California Fish and Wildlife and California State Parks Detect police activity in Santa Rosa County. All Identified Frequencies in Sonoma County, California (CA) The majority of requests for law enforcement response go through the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office’s, Communications Center. 8 PL: SantaRosa PD: Police: FM: Law Dispatch: 39. Remain 100% anonymous and earn a reward. Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of this feed. 675 -- Santa Rosa County Sheriff (Gulf Breeze Area Ch 11) 453. 453. 4000 - Santa Rosa Campus - DCS 023 460. 1. On March 4, 2024, deputies from the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) responded to reports of an adult male suspect brandishing a firearm outside of La Hacienda del Toro, a restaurant and nightclub located at 3660 Stony Point Road, in unincorporated Santa Rosa. Redcom Control 2 155. (Santa Rosa County) Apr 8, 2024 · Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office. Detectives Need Community's Assistance to Identify Suspect On May 22, 2022, at 1:33 a. Below are any Florida statewide conventional or trunking systems followed by Florida police frequencies sorted by county. Watch the latest reel from Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Dec 1, 2016 · Crime scenes can contain many pieces of evidence that are easy to overlook but a new piece of technology is helping Santa Rosa County investigators spot them. 9250 - Mall Security - CTCSS: 162. Their duties include: confronting heavily armed criminals #ûÿ EY©ýáŠFh5釀FÊÂùû‹À¸‰ užïÿ}sÕ ‡súãÿ"¦‰ ’·,€)SË6t-Ô+ªºç ¤s ûÚ %K é:K ÿš¥õç6 ÃýA†g\ =‰|\$U%úãv’^ö8³ Solano County Sheriff, Rio Vista and Dixon Police Dispatch Sheriff also dispatches Dixon PD and Rio Vista PD on the Sheriff's Primary Channel - 1=Sheriff, 6=Dixon, 7=Rio Vista, 15=Animal Control, 18=Probation, 19=District Attorney, 22=CHP, 25=Park Rangers, 90=O. Mar 3, 2025 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Santa Rosa County, Florida (FL) Feed Notes. Santa Rosa County Fire and EMS of Santa Rosa County, Florida, USA offers its residents many emergency services, including a rapid response to incidents and control of a wide-range of emergency situations. E. 145. But this fellow in Lake County must stay home most of the time listening to his scanner, posts all the traffic collisions, fires, medical calls. Scholl - Administration Captain S. Sonoma County Fire-EMS and Sheriff Dispatch Redcom: Fire-Medical Dispatch. 025 Rohnert Park - 154. 430: WQK918 Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Dowmloads for Santa Rosa County, Florida (FL) Live Feed Listing for Santa Rosa County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Escambia / Santa Rosa County Public Safety: Project 25 Phase II: 857. 145 (Santa Rosa area) Redcom Control 4 (South and East County) Fire Tac 5 154. Correo electrónico a [email protected]. Santa Rosa, NM 88435 (575) 472-3711. Emergency Phone: 911 Specialties: Bringing forward public safety information and ongoings in Sonoma County, from volunteers with experience. ,Volunteers,Chaplins SRSO Jail The Department of Detention is responsible for the operation of the Santa Rosa County Detention Facility. 250 (Santa Rosa-Windsor) Sonoma County Law Enforcement. Sorted by city. Implemented in early 2020 as a result of COVID-19, eReports was the solution to a long time issue and a new concern. Santa Rosa County, Florida news. and Brookwood Avenue. Watson - Administration Major B. 09. Do not use eReport. Santa Rosa: Amateur radio repeaters in Milton, Florida : Amateur Radio 0 Online: Santa Rosa: Amateur Radio VHF Repeaters in Northwest Florida: Amateur Radio 0 Offline: Santa Rosa: Munson Fire: Public Safety 1 Online: Santa Rosa: Pensacola Area NOAA Weather Radio KEC-86: Other 3 Online: Santa Rosa: Santa Rosa County Fire - Central: Public Safety Based on the circumstances of the incident, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office invoked the Sonoma County Law Enforcement Employee-involved Critical Incident Protocol and requested the Santa Rosa Police Department (SRPD) and the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office to lead an independent investigation into the events that led to the officer-involved shooting. 730 -- Santa Rosa County Sheriff and County Road Crew Santa Rosa County Florida Live Audio Feeds. For non-emergency dispatch call 850-983-1190. More commonly known as the "Jail", our facility has a collective of separate specialized units, all working towards a shared objective: delivering top-tier care, custody, and control for our inmate population. 5 days ago · UPDATE: Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons addressed the media saying there are no signs of an active shooter and no injuries reported. R. Police were able to detain multiple suspects, and some required medical clearance. 10-25 ; In Contact With Sonoma County Fire-EMS and Sheriff Dispatch Redcom: Fire-Medical Dispatch. City Police; City Fire Departments; County Fire; SC Sheriff; Highway Patrol; Ambulances; Department of Forestry; Santa Rosa Plaza; SRJC Campus Police. To find your local Florida police frequencies, navigate to your county and enter the frequencies you find into your police scanner. Florida Scanner Frequencies Santa Rosa County. Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office looking for wanted … Santa Rosa County / 1 day ago. This means only Project 25 Phase II TDMA modulation, which can ONLY be monitored using a P25 Phase II compatible scanner. 8250 - State Police Frequency CTCSS:127. The sheriff's office just purchased a Update #3 from Santa Rosa Police Department on the officer involved shooting which occurred on March 4. com The SaferWatch App gives residents and visitors in Santa Rosa County a direct line to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. It was in a barn, in a shallow grave,” Johnson told reporters. Over the past two Chief Deputy R. Feed Notes CHANNELS - Central Fire Escambia / Santa Rosa County Public Safety System Updated (Updated Service Tag assignments for 1 talkgroups for Santa Rosa Co. It is currently unknown the number of vehicles, participants, and spectators that are in Santa Rosa or if the number will increase. santa rosa county police 10/16/21 515pm Police activity on Neville off Moorland Ave in Santa Rosa Medical requested and cleared to enter. Live until 7pm. This page offers links to services like police records requests, accident reports, arrest records, and free police records searches. Located in downtown Santa Rosa. Llamar al 707-543-3559, o Fax 707-543-3557, Lunes a Jueves. Our sworn Detention Deputies, professional and contract staff Feb 17, 2022 · Search: Sonoma County Sheriff Scanner Frequencies. 20220602220640 Search: Sonoma County Sheriff Scanner Frequencies. Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office FL Reels. 85,680 likes · 2,276 talking about this · 1,071 were here. . 550: WNRJ893: RM: 025 DPL: SRJC Fire Tac channels are for Santa Rosa north to Healdsurg. And 10 and Signal codes for Santa Rosa County Sheriff and Fire Departments. Freq PL/M Ty Input Santa Rosa: WA6YGD : 146. 6 MHz: 88. Thank You May 22, 2022 · Santa Rosa Police Department Investigating Sixth Homicide of 2022. 375 SR 2 Narcotics - 460. Sheriff Dispatch maybe locked out during fire incidents. File a report eReports is an online reporting system created for our citizens. (Santa Rosa County) Correspondencia por correo postal o dejada en persona a la siguiente dirección: Departamento de Policia de Santa Rosa, 965 Sonoma Ave. Sheriff Talkgroups - NONE The Santa Rosa Police Department is currently investigating two recent reports of assaults against female residents. 100 Jul 4, 2022 · Zone 7 - Santa Rosa FD, Sonoma County FPD Zone 8 - Sebastopol FD, Gold Ridge FPD, Graton FPD, Sonoma County FPD (Bodega Bay), Bodega VFC, Valley Ford VFC Zone 9 - Petaluma FD, USCG Petaluma FD, Rohnert Park DPS, Rancho Adobe FPD, Lakeville VFC, Two Rock VFC, Wilmar VFC Tune radio to 1350 AM, 103. Public Safety 8 Online . Lake County has just a single dude, retired, who does "On the Scanner Lake County" and it's great. 4375; Milton Police Trunking Talkgroups. Dec 11, 2024 · Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson said in a news conference Sunday that the Major Crimes Unit had traveled over 1,500 miles in a week, searching for evidence relating to Carli's disappearance. Jan 1, 2008 · Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office . “We discovered her body while executing a search warrant in Alabama. 11/18/21 351pm Santa Rosa Police RANGE AVENUE / RUSSELL AVENUE Domestic disturbance- changed to assault with a deadly weapon 11/18/21 351pm Santa Rosa - Sonoma County Scanner Updates May 22, 2010 · General police-code lists are helpful, but many are wrong for SRPD. Sonoma County Sheriff primary dispatch (may be locked out during working fire incidents) Public Safety 4 Sonoma County Scanner Frequencies (CA) County Police Disp. Depending on the selected settings, some functions may become unavailable! 2500 Block of COURT ST. 800 -- Santa Rosa County Sheriff (Jail) 155. 1900-0. Thread starter ezorkid; Start date Oct 5, 2019; Status Not open for further replies. Live Feeds - 7,600: Total Listeners - 42,611: Amateur radio repeaters in Milton, Florida And surrounding area repeaters. On March 31, 2020, Detective Armer died in the line of duty, from complications associated with COVID-19. The oath of office was administered by the Honorable Judge Warrick. Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office This feed has officially been switched over to the new P25 digital system. Social Media Check out our LinkTree to follow all of our social media pages District Offices Where is my District Office Fingerprint Services We offer fingerprint services Crime Stoppers We partner with the Santa Rosa County Crime Stoppers Program. Top Santa Rosa County Headlines Roofs damaged, campers tip over Mar 3, 2025 · System Name: Escambia / Santa Rosa County Public Safety : Location: Various, FL: County: 2 Counties: System Type: Project 25 Phase II Police Records in Santa Rosa County (Florida) Find police records in Santa Rosa County, FL. Scanner Frequencies for NULL Santa Rosa county FL US The radio website that respects the Civil Air Patrol and their copyrights. 5 SRSO is an equal opportunity employer and Provider It is the policy of the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office to identify and employ those individuals who possess the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics necessary to achieve job performance requirements. 18 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Kathy Warr Technical Services Division Manager CHP Green - Santa Cruz County/Southern End of Santa Clara County: 1 Listeners: Gilroy Fire and EMS: 6 Listeners: Milpitas Fire: 4 Listeners: Monterey Area Marine NOAA Weather Radio WWF64: 2 Listeners: Monterey Area NOAA Weather Radio KEC49: 2 Listeners: Mountain View Fire (((Stereo Feed))) Left = Dispatch, *** Right = Command: 3 Listeners SRPD UPDATE: On September 19, 2021, at 6:52 pm, the Santa Rosa Police Department was dispatched to a roll-over collision at the intersection of 4th St. , the Santa Rosa Police Department was Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. Signals . M. 000 . Mar 8, 2010 · Looking for maps that show the zones/districts. Sonoma County Sheriff primary dispatch (may be locked out during working fire incidents) Public Safety 4 Feb 21, 2025 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Sonoma County, California (CA) Police (Santa Rosa Campus) FMN: Law Talk: 460. 050 SR 3 - 460. Officers are investigating a major traffic collision and it is causing significant traffic congestion. 250 (Santa Rosa-Windsor) Sonoma County Sheriff's Star Mission Statement, Core Values In partnership with our communities, we commit to provide professional, firm, fair, and compassionate public safety services with integrity and respect. Feed Status: Listeners: 23. If your complaint meets the criteria, you can Jun 17, 2024 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for G. Santa Rosa Mall Security 464. 3 Sonoma State University Police Department 153. Milton Police Radar Detectors & Milton Police Scanners. Watch the latest reel from Santa Rosa County Sheriff's 3 days ago · Time Event Location Grid Zone Case# Event# Event Date: 03/09/25 : 20:39: TRAFFIC CRASH WITH INJURIES: N TAMIAMI TRL/FRUITVILLE RD: G079: ST01: F25013430: C2503091030 scanner codes | Sonoma County wide Freq's 70 Santa Rosa: 40 West County: 80 Windsor Police Dept. Publication date 2019-09-18 Collection documentcloud; additional_collections Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1. 8 PL: ECFD Disp: Fire Dispatch Multicast (Bratt) FMN: Fire Dispatch: 154. Sep 18, 2019 · Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office. City Police; SR 1 Dispatch - 460. Or, navigate to another city or town within Starr County, to view the local police frequencies. I would greatly appreciate if anyone has this info or could point me in the right direction. 47K Followers, 191 Following, 3,650 Posts - Sonoma County Scanner Updates (@sonomascanner) on Instagram: "Est 11/28/16. Phone: 707-543-3600. Home of the world's largest radio/scanner frequency database County listings for Holmes, Washington, Jackson, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton County HOLMES COUNTY Bonifay Fire & Rescue 453. False Police Report : Emergency Radio Repair Needed . Join us now. The jail acquired a new X-ray machine that is Nov 26, 2024 · A 36-year-old Santa Rosa man is accused of hitting a Rohnert Park police officer with an open car door Monday night before leading authorities on a chase that ended with officers pulling him from Santa Rosa Police Frequencies. Feb 11, 2025 · Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 151. Snellgrove - Detention Security Captain W. 8000 West County: 6100 Geyserville: 7100 Santa Rosa City This feed will simply be covering the northern fire department operations of Santa Rosa County to include the channels North Fire Dispatch and North Fire Tac. Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. 0) - Milton - Milton Amateur Radio Club - Echolink; Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Current Sonoma County Frequencies. Fire Tac Channels 5,7,8,9 for Santa Rosa north to Healdsburg. Redcom Fire & EMS dispatch 154. 265 (North and West County area) Redcom Control 3 154.
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