City of lexington va bids. City of Lexington, VA 300 E.
City of lexington va bids 300 E. Fax: (540)463-5310. - Suite B Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-462-3706 F: 540-463-5310. Lexington, Virginia 24450 All Lexington City residents vote in the Lexington Precinct at Piovano Building (formerly The Life Saving Crew Building) at 350 Spotswood Drive. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government Police | Lexington, VA Sep 20, 2024 · The government of the City of Alexandria consists of 21 departments with an annual budget of nearly $771 million. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-462-3700 F: 540-463-5310. Since the 1989 adoption by City Council of a Minority Business Policy, the City of Lexington has and continues to encourage the participation of minority and historically Listing of bid opportunities. c. 2-4304 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (Va. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462 This solicitation is being conducted on behalf of other public bodies pursuant to Section 2. Individuals receiving bills that are to be paid by a mortgage company should send these bills directly to the mortgage company with their loan number and ask that the company request future bills directly from the city. ). , local time. Fire Department 708 S. The Public Works Department maintains all municipal property devoted to recreational use. Within the city, the department maintains three large parks, three neighborhood parks, an athletic field complex and swimming pool, and two city school athletic fields. Staunton Purchasing Department W Beverley St, Staunton, VA - 37. City of Lexington Design and Construction Standards and Specifications. AECOM Architect will provide responses to bidders’ questions received up to 5:00 pm on January 30, 2025. Lexington, Virginia 24450 For general information about the City's purchasing practices or to inquire about bidding opportunities, visit the Purchasing page or contact the Purchasing Officer. In Person: The City Manager's Office is located on the second floor of City Hall. 5-square-mile area. Bids will also be received electronically online at www. Due By DECEMBER 5, 2024. Asbestos Survey Report of Former VDOT Facility prepared for the City of Lexington by Commonwealth Environmental Associates, dated March 26, 2020, including a Boring Location Map dated March 27, 2020 A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Report and Asbestos Survey Report provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Contact. Bids; Cemeteries; Garbage & Brush Collection Lexington VA 24450) No meeting in July or August; City of Lexington, VA 300 E. Code § 2. Lexington, Virginia 24450 Lexington Historic District Design Guidelines (December 1, 2022) Application Submissions. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Bids; Cemeteries; Garbage & Brush Collection The official Lexington City Schools website. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Bid Number Title Starting Closing Status; SS00324: SS00324 - Untethered Labs (Gatekeeper) Sole Source: 12/12/2024 3:38 PM: 12/12/2024 5:00 PM: Closed: Bid #K00224. The goal of Emergency Management is to prepare the city to respond to, recover from, and mitigate against natural and man-made emergencies and disasters. on April 9, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened and read for the S. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government City Council Meeting Packets and Minutes | Lexington, VA City Projects. Non - Mandatory Site Visit: 8:00 AM, Monday May 13th, 2024. Treasurer, City of Lexington. 540 Lexington, VA 24450 until 2:00 pm (Local Time), Thursday, April 10, 2025 and then read aloud. City Manager's Office 300 E. This project includes the installation of 40 LF of 6” D. Issuing Office: City of Lexington. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances City of Lexington, VA 300 E. 890 Shop Road, Lexington, VA 24450 . This reassessment is mandated to be effective from July 1, 2026, for Fiscal Year 27. The department also makes repairs to the city's sidewalks and curbing. Threshold's primary role has been to guide the development and implementation of housing rehabilitation programs for eligible low- and moderate-income Lexington, VA 24450 Tel: 540. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-463-3210 F: 540-463-5310. 0 miles The department, part of the Finance Department, handles procurement operations, bids, contracts, and RFPs. Roundy, Lexington Commissioner of the Revenue at 540-462-3754. Lexington, Virginia 24450 Citizens who will be absent from Lexington City on Election Day, or who are unable to go to the polls, may apply to have an absentee ballot mailed to them or may vote absentee in-person at the Lexington City's Voter Registrar Office. All permits will be reviewed by City staff and a recommendation for or against issuance of the permit will be made by the Lexington Police Department. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government Parking Information | Lexington, VA Jul 17, 2020 · Below are current bid and procurement opportunities with the City of Buena Vista. These departments purchase a variety of goods and services ranging from pencils to multi-million dollar construction projects. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS . Inside City Centre (200 N. Jobs Contact Us City Projects. Join Our Team! Interested in working for the City of Lexington? Visit our Jobs page to view current job openings and apply. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-462-3729 F: 540-463-5310. Separate sealed Bids for the Rockbridge Area Department of Social Services for the City of Lexington, which consists of the construction of a new building, including site work, for Rockbridge Area Department of Social Services, will be received by Tom Carroll, City Manager at City of Lexington The City of Lexington, Virginia will receive SEALED BIDS in the Office of the Department of Public Works, 890 Shop Road, Lexington, Virginia 24450, until 2 February 2024 at 10:00 A. Quotes Due: 3:30 PM, Thursday May 23rd, 2024 . E. Bids; Building Permits & Inspections; Business License Tax; Business Personal Property Tax; City of Lexington, VA 300 E. State Street) Open M-F 9 am - 4 pm; Outside of City Hall (28 W. Main St. 3700. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-463-3141 Procurement 200 E. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540 Jun 2, 2022 · This solicitation is being conducted on behalf of other public bodies pursuant to Section 2. Contract Coordinator: Scott Dameron. There is a fee of $190 dollars for the installation and removal of a banner for 1, 2, or 3 consecutive weeks. Full RFP: RFP# COLEX-FY23-002. If you wish to meet with the Purchasing Officer during business hours to discuss business and bid opportunities with the City of Lexington please call (336) 248-2489. The resultant contract(s) may be extended by a contracting firm(s) to other public bodies at the stated contract prices, in accordance with the contract terms. Central Dispatch; City Manager. Building Permits & Inspections City of Lexington, VA 300 E. Lexington, Virginia 24450 . Purchases in the amount of $100,000 or greater require formal procurement through advertised sealed competitive bidding. This project aims to enhance the services provided by the Department of Social Services in the region. Hours: Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM . Lexington Sewer Extension Project. 92 per $100. 2-4300 et seq. The City of Lexington, Virginia is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the preparation of appraisals of taxable and tax-exempt real estate as part of the 2026 General Reassessment. Roundy Master Commissioner of the Revenue . You may also contact the FOIA Department with questions you have concerning requesting records. Positioned in central Virginia, Lexington is convenient to all major points in the Shenandoah Valley and beyond. City Projects. General Superintendent. Provided there are no barriers to issuance of the permit, the City Manager may recommend approval of the permit to City Council. Real Estate Taxes and Personal Property Taxes are . The department is responsible for surfacing, painting, patching, and sweeping the streets in the city. This project aims to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of the City Hall, serving the needs of the local government and community. The City of Lexington uses the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) official guide’s clean trade-in value for assessment of personal property. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government City Hall | Lexington, VA Jun 23, 2022 · City Projects. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government City Code | Lexington, VA The Purchasing Division assists the City with purchasing required goods and services in conformance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act and City Council’s policies and procedures. City of Lexington, Virginia awarded contracts, including cooperative contracts and awarded vendors. 2-4303-subsection F, unabated-public safety and the conservation of public resources is at risk and purchasing goods and/or services must be made in response thereto and is so authorized. Rockbridge Area Community Services Board 241 Greenhouse Rd. 300 Diamond Street, Suite B. Lexington Geographic Information System (GIS) The City of Lexington utilizes an online GIS to show parcel information within the city limits. Phone: (540)462-3700. City Hall; Diamond Hill/Green Hill Utility Project; Jordan's Point Park Master Plan; Lexington Bike/Pedestrian Plan; Providence Hill Area Sewer Lining; US Route 60 at Evergreen Place, Traffic Signal Upgrades; City Ordinances; Departments. About the Board. After Hours Emergencies: 540-463-9177. Proposal Title: Fall 2022 Street Resurfacing Program In accordance with Virginia Public Procurement Act § 2. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances City Projects. , for IFB# COLEX-FY24-001, Water Valve Demolition and Replacement – Rt. The Purchasing Division issues Invitations for Bids (IFB) and Requests for Proposals (RFP). Telephone: (540)462-3707. Lexington, Virginia 24450 Food trucks must maintain a valid business license issued by the City of Lexington and a valid health permit issued by the Virginia Department of Health. *Note: There will be three seats open for election in November 2024. P: 540-464-3601 C: 540-784-8080 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE 5. 251 & McCormick St. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances AECOM Bid Review and Evauation - City Hall Renovations. Request for Proposals. Voter Registrar 300 Diamond St. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Dec 16, 2024 · Contact. The remaining two seats are up for City Council appointment in June 2024. Lexington, VA 24450 . Sealed bids will be received by the City of Covington at 333 West Locust Street, Covington, VA 24426 until 10:00 a. A prebid meeting for all bidders will be held at City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room 300 East Washington Street, Lexington, VA 24450 on January 22, 2025 at 10:00 a. Sealed Bids for the construction of the Project will be received, by the City of Lexington, Virginia, at the Department of Public Works, 890 Shop Road, Lexington, Virginia, 24450, until 11:00 AM local time on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. Addendum # 1. m. City Arborist: A Resource During Construction. David Rose Interested in serving on a City Board, Committee or Commission? Visit our Boards and Commissions page for more information and to apply. Monday to Friday, 8:00 a. Lexington, Virginia 24450 how do i… The Public Works Department maintains all municipal property devoted to recreational use. Emergency Management works with local, state, and federal government partners, as well as non-governmental organizations to achieve this goal. Jul 1, 2021 · Please mail or hand deliver this form to Public Works, 890 Shop Road, Lexington, VA 24450 along with a VOIDED check. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances LIME KILN BRIDGE WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC 7/1/24 - 7/3/24 FOR REPAIRS. Business Licenses can be obtained through the Commissioner of Revenue’s office at City Hall (300 East Washington Street; 540-462-3754). Lexington, Virginia City of Lexington, VA 300 E. Thank you for your interest in working with the City. The Public Works Department works with the Tree Board. To schedule an appointment please call the Public Works office at 540-463-3154. Business Type Tax Rate; Contractor (general contractors and subcontractors that do not maintain an office in Lexington are required to pay the license tax based upon gross contracts in the city when the total of contracts exceed $25,000) The Public Works Department maintains all municipal property devoted to recreational use. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. 4 +/- acre site owned by the City along State Highway 11 and South Main Street Invitation for Bids -- City Hall Renovations: 01/14/2025 11:46 AM: 02/13/2025 3:00 PM: City of Lexington, VA 300 E. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Jan 24, 2023 · City Projects. Martone, P. Many of these events, such as 5K runs, parades, and festivals require street closure. You can access the City of Lexington's GIS online, or you can visit the Planning and Development Department during normal office hours. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government PAY | Lexington, VA City Projects. Lexington, Virginia 24450 Contact. Washington St. During phases of this construction there may be times where trees and shrubs have to be removed or are in harm’s Contact. Lexington, Virginia The City of Lexington cannot issue a bill to a mortgage company unless it has been requested by that company. Procurement documents including bid solicitations, tabulations, and more. City Hall Information: 540-462-3700. Tom Carroll City Manager Email. Jennifer Bell Finance Director Email. For a copy of specifications, please contact the Karen T. Salem Purchasing Department N Broad St, Salem, VA - 43. gov City Projects. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at City Hall on March 28, 2024 at 10:00 a. Human Resources Department 300 E. Center Street) Accepts payments 24/7; Please note: When using cash to pay at the kiosk, the kiosk does not accept coins and will not give change. 890 Shop Rd, Lexington VA 24450 . Director of Public Works (540) 463-3154 jmartone@lexingtonva. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700. Contact. Lexington, VA Home Menu. The City of Lexington requests that residents please be patient during snow operations. ELECTRONIC BIDS VIA BIDCOMP/PARITY WILL BE RECEIVED City of Lexington, Virginia General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2025 VA 23219. A Real Property and/or Personal Property Tax Exemption must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office in order to have property that was not exempted before December 31, 2002, considered for exemption by Lexington City Council. 300 East Washington Street. gov. 300 E Washington St Lexington VA 24450. As many are aware, the City of Lexington is working with contractors to update sections of its sewer and water infrastructure. Notice of most projects for bid or Requests for Proposals will be published in the Lexington Clipper-Herald and on this page. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances The City of Lexington Purchasing Division is located in City Hall. As of 02/21/2024, a bank draft will not be started until a VOIDED check has been received. Lexington, Virginia 24450 Bids; Building Permits & Inspections; Business License Tax; Business Personal Property Tax; City of Lexington, VA 300 E. The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance and operation of two city-owned cemeteries. As the snow keeps falling, the City's first priority is to keep the main roads open and passable. The City of Lexington invites developers to submit an expression of interest and summary of qualifications (RFQ) to serve as the Developer of Record for the 5. Service complaints in the city should be directed to the Public Works Department at 540-463-3154. To send correspondence to any member of city staff, please send your letter care of: City Projects. All submissions should be directed to: Planning and Development Department 300 E. Lexington, KY 40507. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government Rental Tax | Lexington, VA Contact. Last updated: 10/06/2017 Contact. Contractors and vendors may sign up for email notifications of bid-letting and RFPs. Location: New Temporary Offices of Elections/Registrars Offices. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Bids; Cemeteries; Garbage & Brush Collection Lexington). Washington and Lee University and Virginia Military Institute are both located within city limits, and cities such as Staunton, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, and Roanoke are within an hour's reach via Interstate 81. Hours Monday through Friday LIME KILN BRIDGE WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC 6/24/24 - 6/29/24 FOR REPAIRS. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-462-3704 F: 540-463-5310. Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 462-3700 Design By Granicus - Connecting People & Government Online Maps | Lexington, VA City Projects. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Mar 11, 2024 · how do i… City Projects. how do i… Oct 6, 2017 · City of Lexington does not assume any liability associated with the use or misuse of this real estate assessment data. As soon as all major streets within the city are clear, equipment is immediately moved into residential areas. Threshold is a 501. M. County complaints should be directed to the Rockbridge County Public Service Authority at 540-463-4329 . Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances To view all open bids, quotes and RFPs, visit the Lexington procurement website. Please contact the Lexington City Office of Elections at fjones@lexingtonva. Penalty and Interest will be charged on DECEMBER 6, 2024 . 300 E Washington Street. Evergreen Cemetery, which has about 5 1/2 acres, is located on Evergreen Place near Central Elementary School. 4 + / - ACRE FORMER VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SITE AT 626 WADDELL IN LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA FULL RFQ DOCUMENT. – 5:00 p. By: Karen T. Please contact the Public Works Department at (540)463-3154 (option 1) to tentatively schedule a banner reservation before submitting this form via email. Trent Roberts Fire Marshal Email 540-463-6316 Bids; Building Permits & Inspections; Business License Tax; Business Personal Property Tax; City of Lexington, VA 300 E. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Bids; Building Permits & Inspections; Business License Tax; Business Personal Property Tax; City of Lexington, VA 300 E. Snow Policy Contact. The current tax rate set by City Council is $. This form may be found on the City’s web-site. The City of Lexington reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids. The Project includes the following Work: May 10, 2022 · The City of Lexington, VA (the “City”) is seeking proposals for the services described herein. Lexington Contact. Arne Glaeser Director of Planning and Development The City Arborist is Ray Ulrich. Any overage will be credited to your account. City Council may then choose or not choose to authorize the permit. To apply for an event in Lexington, complete the online Event Application or contact the City Manager's Office at 540-462-3700 or jhostetter@lexingtonva. City of Lexington. Payment Drop Box Located at the Rear of the Bids; Building Permits & Inspections; Business License Tax; Business Personal Property Tax; City of Lexington, VA 300 E. City Council 2024 Regular Meeting Schedule City of Lexington, VA 300 E. City of Lexington Approved Products List Jan 14, 2025 · The City of Lexington is issuing a solicitation for the renovation and addition to the City Hall structure. City of Lexington, VA 300 E. May 1, 2024 · City of Lexington, Virginia Request for Quotes–Custodial Operations NOTICE OF AWARD FULL RFP DOCUMENT. Banner Rules. Contract Coordinator: Jeffrey A. I Apr 9, 2024 · Bids. Contractors must be register with the city in order to work on projects and Contact. com until 2:00 pm, local prevailing time, on April 10, 2025, and then publicly opened and read aloud virtually. Staff Directory City of Lexington, VA 300 E. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-462-3731 F: 540-463-5310. Effective July 1, 2020, Virginia State law permits voters to vote no-excuse absentee. Automatic Recurring Bank Draft Authorization; Utility deposits will be based on meter size. Please register with the City Clerk, Pam Baruth, (308) 324-2341 or [email protected]. gov for Notice for Diamond Hill Residents from the City Arborist. Hours Monday through Friday City of Lexington, VA 300 E. 02/19/2025. trascoplanroom. Applications can be picked up in the Planning and Development Department, and can also be downloaded digitally: Sign Permit Application FOIA Officer, City of Lexington City Manager's Office 300 East Washington Street Lexington, VA, 24450. Ty Dickerson Fire Chief Email Feb 3, 2025 · The City of Lexington’s Electoral Board will hold a meeting at the following place and time: Date: Monday, February 3, 2025 Time: 9:00 a. Font Size: +- Share & Bookmark City of Lexington. 462. Upcoming Planned Road Closures in Lexington Zillow has 35 homes for sale in Lexington VA matching City Of Lexington. 2 miles Code Check Consulting (540) 525-0346 : ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC (804) 353-6333: Institute for Building Technology & Safety (IBTS) (703) 481-2000 : SC Stevenson Consulting, Inc. The voter card mailed to each voter when he/she registers identifies the polling place and address. 2-4300 & § 2. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-463-3154 F: 540-464-4198. If you have a question, contact the Voter Registrar Office at 540-462-3706. Proposals will be received by the Issuing Office until the date and time specified below (local prevailing time). 3 nonprofit corporation registered with the State Corporation Commission. For Emergencies, dial 911. Lexington, VA 24450. Bids submitted late will not be considered. Public Works Department 890 Shop Rd. Francena Jones Director of Elections and General Registrar City Projects. Finance Office 300 E. Lexington, VA 24450 T: 540-462-3700 F: 540-463-5310 Contact. If the NADA does not have an assessment for a vehicle, the assessment will be based on 85% of the purchase cost. To verify the accuracy and currency of this information please contact the City Bids; Cemeteries; Garbage & Brush Collection (150 South Main Street, Lexington, VA 24450) City of Lexington, VA 300 E. The City of Lexington is issuing a Request for Bids for the construction of a new building for the Rockbridge Area Department of Social Services, located in Buena Vista, Virginia. Patrick Madigan City Projects. Robby Bailey Human Resources Director Email City Projects. Robby Bailey Human Resources Director Email Business Type Tax Rate; Contractor (general contractors and subcontractors that do not maintain an office in Lexington are required to pay the license tax based upon gross contracts in the city when the total of contracts exceed $25,000) City of Lexington Taxpayers. Threshold, Lexington's housing commission, addresses housing-related issues within the city. For more information, visit the Lexington City Schools website. Snow removal is a difficult and time-consuming task. Department of Public Works. Please see the contact information found in each listing for more information. All of the facilities are open to the residents of the city and the Rockbridge County area. The personal property tax rate is established by the Lexington City Council. Bids & RFPs. Planning & Development Office 300 E. Lexington, Virginia If you have any questions, please contact the Lexington City Office of Elections at 540-462-3706 for additional information. Hours Monday The Minority Business Enterprise Program works with procurement to help diversify the city's vendors Other Purchasing Departments Nearby. There are approximately 30 miles, or 60 lane miles, of streets within the City of Lexington's 2. Economic Development; Freedom of Information Act; Ordinances Visit the City Manager's page to subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter. jvbinbf sltu pgr mjvsp eroi yjmdon tpadukj fcjpg nwle bfpg zdzv yefjfh lnqi criga vjos